I am happy to say I am curating a collection of photographs and artwork for Preferred Behavioral Health Group- more to follow!  As I'm doing research and collecting data from patients and staff, my interest returns again and again to Henry Domke, a master in the field of Health Care photography.  Henry's work, along with others, such as Parker Hilton in Monmouth County NJ, remind folks who are dealing with depression or anxiety of the beauty of nature, and can help calm the mind and soothe the soul.  


Student Work

I try to get to see student exhibits at the furniture fairs and at various exhibits around town whenever possible. Recently, I had the pleasure of seeing the Savannah College of Art and Design space at ICFF and the School of Visual Arts MFA exhibit in NYC.  The work I saw left me with so much to think about with respect to the relationship between material and technology.  Student research and collaboration across disciplines is pushing the boundaries of design in so many exciting ways.



Welcome to my new website, which is now officially launched!  As I move forward into my 30th. year  working as an Interior Designer, I thought it would be appropriate to start sharing some past and present thoughts and experiences, that continue to shape my work and guide my life decisions.  Thanks to all my wonderful clients, colleagues, vendors, friends and especially my family for making this journey so worthwhile. It takes a village....


When designing a clinical corridor, sometimes the artwork becomes the defining attribute that not only a provides positive distraction for a patient, but also aids in wayfinding.